
Showing posts from August, 2012

Feminism/Uncensored: Hands Off, Crazy: A Lyrical Interpretation of the Legislative War on Women

via Natalie Dee ! This is by no means a political blog, but I have a lot of political opinions. Anyone who know me, knows this, and every now and then something comes up that I feel like I can't let pass me by unnoticed.The recent trend in American politics has been to attack reproductive rights with a vengeance. All the cool kids are doing it. (Read: HORRIBLE FUCKING ASSHOLES ) But, as any rational thinking person can tell you, that's not okay.  The idea that legislators think it's 1. Okay to restrict a woman's reproductive rights because JESUS  or 2. ANY OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS WHAT I DO WITH MY VAGINA/UTERUS/FALLOPIAN TUBES is ludicrous. And more women need to stand up and say so now, with their voices, and in November with their votes. And the thing is, I don't even get a vote. I'm not an American. But there's a high likelihood that I'll end up there eventually, and I don't want to live in a place that holds the rhetoric of what amounts to a th

Cover Wars: Miley Cyrus by Tesh for Marie Claire September 2012

via fashion gone rogue Miley Cyrus by Tesh for Marie Claire Teen bride Miley Cyrus is on the cover of Marie Claire's September issue, and I'm actually really excited about it. You might not like her music or her movies, but Miley photographs beautifully, and I love seeing her in editorials. These were obviously taken before she debuted her new haircut , (which I love by the way!) but she still looks amazing. I can't wait to get this issue, and see the full editorial. This cover works for me. Miley looks great (despite her eternal baby pout), from her hair to her makeup to her styling. I'm not really sure why she's relevant right now (movies, album?) but I don't mind having her around so to speak. And can we talk about that manicure? Loving it. What do you think about Miley as a covergirl? Will you be buying MC's September issue?

Cover Wars: Lady Gaga by Mert and Marcus for Vogue Magazine September 2012

via fashion gone rogue Lady Gaga by Mert and Marcus for Vogue Magazine September 2012 Now, I love Lady Gaga, and I love Mert & Marcus, but nothing about this cover works for me. From the weird banner in the masthead to that hair (eew...), I just can't. I do love this dress, and Gaga is WERQing it, but as a whole, I hate this cover. The full editorial is actually gorgeous however (duh, M&M ), but if I saw this on the newsstand I wouldn't buy it. I mean, I would, because well, September/VOGUE, but in a regular month, not so much. I think it's just poor photo selection. What do you think? Do you like this Gaga cover? Will you be buying this year's September issue?

Misc. Music: Van Vogue by Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks is so fab that my eyes are bleeding. I love her so much. Van Vogue is Bank's latest video. The song is on her EP 1991, which is amazing, and you should buy it.  Azealia Banks is going places. What I love about her is not just her ridiculous style, but also her personality and her swag. She knows she's got the goods, and she's not afraid to be proud of that fact.  via On The Cover Of Banks is just 21, and yet she's dominating the industry. She's coming up at the time when the path is pretty clear for a female emcee to take over. I can't wait until she's everywhere. I think that we need more women in hip-hop who are true to themselves, and unafraid to make their marks on pop culture. Banks is ridiculous on every level and I love her. I'll likely be mentioning her a ton in the coming months! Check out her EP 1991 , and her mixtape Fantasea . Also, look out for her debut album coming early netxt year, and check her our on this month's cover

Sound Off: This Is Not How Apologies Work IFB [UPDATED]

via Independent Fashion Bloggers Three years ago I joined an online community that I hoped would help me to refine my ideas about fashion and hone my ability to discuss its various intricacies in an online medium. Today, I am officially severing ties with IFB and moving on. Because after what has transpired over the last few days, I can no longer remain a part of that community and also remain in good conscience. You may have heard by now about IFB's poorly-received "article" on Bloggers and Body Image  and the incredibly ill-advised follow up, An Open Letter to the IFB Community . The first, written by staff writer Taylor Davies insinuated, likely unintentionally that the "top-tier" of fashion blogging remains white-washed and homogeneous in terms of size and age because more diverse niche bloggers were not disciplined enough to post regularly and produce compelling content. When the commentariat effectively revolted, the post was edited to remove the offending

Fashion Finds: Half Drag

Ms. Fame by Leland Bobbe all photographs via  Vouge.IT  |  © Leland Bobbe Anyone who has ever paid a lick of attention to this blog knows that I am unabashedly obsessed with anything Drag. I found RuPaul's Drag Race  back in January and it was like I'd found actual salvation. (A bit much I know, but still...) But I've been fascinated with drag for ages. The first time I tried (and failed) to explore drag was a year ago with my Study in Pearls , and then I delved into the drag world again last semester for my two final projects Mizery Loves Company and Kris Knievil: Daredevil of Drag  (who incidentally are rival queens at the same club in Boston) So imagine how amazed I was to find this fantastic photo-series by Lelan Bobbe entitled "Half Drag". On his web site, Bobbe says: " My intention with Half-Drag is to capture both the male and the alter-ego female side of these subjects in one image. " It's an amazing ongoing project, and I have to say, I wis

Real Men Swear & Other Things I Love

via Real Men Swear It has happened! I have found my new favourite thing! Combining all the things I love most in this world: fashion, men and swearing (naturally), Real Men Swear  is a brilliant gem in a sea of tumblr mediocrity. If you'd ever thought that profanity elevated fashion , you were right! These amazing f-bomb laced delights are the perfect combination of condescension, hipster culture, and you-just-don't-get-fashion. I especially love the above Sartorialist GIF. If  rumors are to be believed , it might actually ring true! Oh the delight! Oh the schadenfreude!  The reason "bad words" delight me so, is because profanity has a certain ring and inherent character that cannot be replicated with even the most lofty vocabulary. Nothing packs as much punch as the word "fuck". Except maybe the word "cunt". But that is a story for another day entirely. As of now, the blog only runs 7 pages, so naturally I read the entire thing in one sitting, and

Misc. Music: Pound the Alarm by Nicki Minaj

Photo via VH1 It's here! Nicki Minaj's video for her fourth single Pound the Alarm has finally been released. Filmed entirely in her (read: my) native land of Trinidad and Tobago, the video celebrates Trinidad's annual Carnival (read: NOT Brazil ). My favourite part of watching this video was recognizing every scene. I know where every inch of this video was filmed and that makes me happy and proud . There are so many things that Nicki got right in representing Trinidad with this video and I'd like to highlight them. Firstly, our national instrument, the steelpan . Regardless of what the world at large thinks, the steelpan was invented in Trinidad and Tobago, and has nothing to do with stereotype of the Rastafarian playing pan on the beaches of Jamaica whatsoever. Next we have a coconut vendor selling his wares on the Queen's Park Savannah with Queen's Royal College framed beautifully in the background. Then, a beautiful montage of different aspects of life