Feminism/Uncensored: Hands Off, Crazy: A Lyrical Interpretation of the Legislative War on Women

This is by no means a political blog, but I have a lot of political opinions. Anyone who know me, knows this, and every now and then something comes up that I feel like I can't let pass me by unnoticed.The recent trend in American politics has been to attack reproductive rights with a vengeance. All the cool kids are doing it. (Read: HORRIBLE FUCKING ASSHOLES) But, as any rational thinking person can tell you, that's not okay. 

The idea that legislators think it's 1. Okay to restrict a woman's reproductive rights because JESUS or 2. ANY OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS WHAT I DO WITH MY VAGINA/UTERUS/FALLOPIAN TUBES is ludicrous. And more women need to stand up and say so now, with their voices, and in November with their votes.

And the thing is, I don't even get a vote. I'm not an American. But there's a high likelihood that I'll end up there eventually, and I don't want to live in a place that holds the rhetoric of what amounts to a thousand -year-old fable as more important that the rights of actual living breathing women. 

My favourite cousin (the awesome one who authored this post with me) shared this video with me today and I just had to share it with all you lovely guys and dolls. Because everything in the video is true. Reproductive autonomy and family planning is such an important part of being independent and gaining control of your life. This is not 1950 lovers! It's not okay that Todd Akin and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan (but really though, fucking Paul Ryan! He is the actual WORST) want a say in what goes on in your uterus. THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE UTERUSES. (Uterii?) How would they know what's best for one? It's like parenting. You don't really know anything about it until you have a kid/uterus.

You don't like abortions? Don't get one. You don't want me to have an abortion? It's not your fucking business, so tough shit. But also, stop restricting access to birth control so that I don't get pregnant in the first place you FUCKING MORONS. (Or you know, get me one of those magical rape-shielding uteruses) In any case, I've exceed my daily swear word quotient for the day so I will leave you now with this awesome quote and this pithy video:

"Abortion should be safe, rare and legal." -Bill Clinton

*Also, can we talk about the awesome dancing dude? AMAZING...

EDIT: While The Newsroom is largely a misogynist shitshow, this clip from what I think is the last episode is absolutely spot on. Watch it, learn something, and get angry. Really fucking angry...

EDIT2: Also read this awesome essay over at The Nation that really details why Todd Akin the fucking worst, and why allowing him to redefine rape is possibly the worst thing we could do for our society.

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