Misc. Music: Van Vogue by Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks is so fab that my eyes are bleeding. I love her so much. Van Vogue is Bank's latest video. The song is on her EP 1991, which is amazing, and you should buy it. 

Azealia Banks is going places. What I love about her is not just her ridiculous style, but also her personality and her swag. She knows she's got the goods, and she's not afraid to be proud of that fact. 

Banks is just 21, and yet she's dominating the industry. She's coming up at the time when the path is pretty clear for a female emcee to take over. I can't wait until she's everywhere. I think that we need more women in hip-hop who are true to themselves, and unafraid to make their marks on pop culture. Banks is ridiculous on every level and I love her. I'll likely be mentioning her a ton in the coming months! Check out her EP 1991, and her mixtape Fantasea. Also, look out for her debut album coming early netxt year, and check her our on this month's cover of  Spin Magazine.

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