
Showing posts from November, 2012

Editorial: Kendall Jenner for Miss Vogue

via  Miss Vogue The internet spent a good portion of last weekend buzzing about these new shots of Kendall Jenner for Miss Vogue, and with good reason! These shots are amazing, and Kendall looks completely at home styled to the nines and posing like a total pro. Girl can give FACE! Say what you like about the Kardashian clan, but they are a genetically blessed bunch. Kendall gets the best of Kris and Bruce with that that gorgeous face and that leggy physique. She hits all the model checkpoints and I honestly think that she could have had an amazing high fashion career without the Kardashian name. Kendall is gorgeous, and I hope she pursues her modelling career. Can't wait to see more from her. Continue Reading My Brilliance! >>>

Random: I Have Your Heart

A delightful little ditty.

Random: Dumb Ways to Die

You've probably all seen this already, but I just had to share it! I didn't think there was a way to make death both depressingly morbid and amazingly adorable, but they did it! You'll be singing the song all day. :)

Editorial: Yuvia by Jesse Laitinen for Fashion Gone Rogue

via fashion gone rogue Yuvia by Jesse Laitinen Here's something to stun you. I have to work today (Is is weird that I'm excited? It's probably a little sad that I have nothing better to do than go to work....)  and things will likely be hectic all week, so I probably won't post much before the end of the month. In the meantime, do enjoy these gorgeous portraits of model Yuvia. I really love that they made her hair the accessory, and kept things simple otherwise. They're beautiful shots. Continue Reading My Brilliance! >>>

Fashion Films: Disney and Barney's New York present "Electric Holiday"

An American mouse in Paris! I LOVE this darling little film. A collaboration between Disney and Barney's NY, the film is (I think?) a dream sequence that the iconic Minnie Mouse has as she admires a Lavin dress in a shop window. It's impossibly darling, and features Disney characters we know and love going through their paces before their big runway debut. There are even a few familiar fashion faces! How many can you spot?

Random: BattyMamzelle on Instagram

You may have heard, but the new online Instagram profiles are here. The layout is simple, but effective, and functions much the same way that it does on your smartphone. It's very basic, and is mostly a way to view your Instagram pictures online rather than to engage in the Instagram community the way you can in mobile format. I'd like to see an option to search for users come in future (unless it's already there and I've somehow missed it) and the ability to browse your newsfeed, but for now, it suffices. If you're on Instagram, connect with me! I only recently joined, but I'm loving it so far. My username is BattyMamzelle  (predictably) and I'm having a lot of fun sussing out the different ways that people are using Instagram to share their lives.

Shubh Divali!

Shubh Divali to all of Trinidad and Tobago, and the wider Hindu community!

Fashion: Style Spirit Fashion Weekend

Style Spirit Fashion Weekend is almost here! What am I talking about you ask?  Style Spirit  Fashion Weekend, the inaugural fashion event being hosted by  TrinidadLookbook  Editor-in-Chief Mel Gabriel is a weekend event meant to showcase local (to Trinidad and Tobago) designers and their creations.  With Fashion Week on an indefinite hiatus, (sad face) Trinidad's fashion elite has been screaming for a high caliber event to draw them in and help them showcase the emerging talent in the local industry.  Haute Caribe  set the stage for re-launching the hunger that Trinbagonians have for original fashion that speaks to the local aesthetic, and Style Spirit will be the premiere event to exhibit that desire and encourage more involvement in the industry.  Style Spirit will run from December 7-9th, 2012 at The Warehouse in Champs Fleur. Early Bird tickets are available for a limited time at  $250 per night or $600 for the weekend pass . Regular tickets go on sale Saturday at  $300 per nig

Cover Wars: Crystal Renn by Gregory Harris for 10 Magazine

via fashion gone rogue Crystal Renn by Gregory Harris Now, that's a striking cover. Can you honestly say you wouldn't look twice if you saw this on  newsstand?

Politics: But Seriously You Guys...We Defeated Romney

Mitt Romney lost, and all is right with the world.  Thank GOD. I wasn't so sure for a minute there.  I was up all night keeping tabs on an election I couldn't even vote in because it was so important. I may only be in Trinidad, but like it or not, the US has a huge influence on policy abroad (what with them forcing their way into other people's countries and all that) so it's essential that they keep moving towards progress. The US tends to set the example for the world, so it's a huge win that the American public re-elected a President who stands for reproductive rights, marriage equality and economic fairness. But for a while it was close. I spent most of the night messaging back and forth with my awesome cousin in CT discussing the results, and more than once she had to calm me down because I was freaking out that Romney was pulling ahead. I ended up falling asleep around midnight and waking up around 3AM (I'm not on DST) to Obama's victory speech. And I

Calm, Cool, Collected: Dealing with Difficult People™ (in the Aftermath of the Election)

If you live on this planet, then it's likely you've had to deal with Difficult People™ at some point in your life. Whether family, friend or stranger, there's always that one person, issue or way of thinking that makes your blood boil, and makes it hard to stay calm and keep your composure. Politics are a touchy subject for most people, and tempers can run high. So how do you deal? Honestly, I have no clue. If you know me then you know that I'm of the "get so angry that I burst into tears out of sheer frustration" variety, and I think we can all agree that that approach is neither productive nor flattering... While I certainly haven't figured out how to stave off the tears entirely, there are a few things that have helped me keep them at bay longer. In the moment, it's extremely hard to keep it together. When you're trying to explain to someone why reproductive rights are ESSENTIAL for economic success  it can be really hard to overlook their delib

Politics: The 2012 Presidential Election OR The Biggest Decision You'll Ever Make

Dear America, Today is D-day. Today is the day you decide if you want to take 3 steps forward or 10 steps back. Today is the day you decide if you stand with the under-represented and overlooked, or with the policy makers who look out only for themselves. Today you decide if you believe in a woman's right to choose, or that a microscopic ball of undifferentiated cells trumps the well-being of a living breathing person. Today you decide if millions of loving same-sex couples will get to live their lives with their families and reap the benefits of the dedication they show to the people around them, or if you will leave millions of children to languish in foster-care because you think that's preferable to two moms or dads.  Today you decide where you stand in the world America. Today you claim your place as the example the world should follow, or the black sheep the world should shun. Choice wisely America. Don't re-hash the same mistakes. The campaigning is over, the debates

Photography: More from NDDCI

via BattyMamzelle After sifting through the last set of images , I've found a few more that I don't hate. There still aren't that many of them. I think my problem is that although I have some nice moments, the shots are technically sound, and that really me. If I learned nothing else in school, it's how to produce a technically accurate photograph (actually, I think that might be all I learnt...) so it really irks me when I don't get that right. But as I was discussing with FPF, I'm really still a baby when it comes to shooting seriously, so I should forgive myself when I get things wrong. In any case, I definitely hope to be getting better over the next six months or so. I'm lucky to have more than one person who is willing to give me feedback, so I'm guessing that things will definitely improve soon. We shall see I suppose. Do enjoy! Continue Reading My Brilliance! >>>

Politics: Clinton/Booker 2016

via Jezebel Yup. I'm definitely down.

Politics: The Gay Agenda [Updated]

Naturally... *Editor's Note: This is tongue-in-cheek by the way. Just in case the fact that Stephen Colbert said it didn't tip you off. This post has gotten an unusual number of hits today, so I just wanted to make sure no one believes I actually think this. This is ridiculous .

Fashion Films: Haute Caribe // The World of Trinidad + Tobago Fashion

So, while I was only halfway looking (jk, I was raptly paying attention) an amazing thing happened. The fashion industry in Trinidad and Tobago experienced a beautifully vivid resurgence. The creativity and passion and desire that Trinbagonians have always had for flavour and colour and decadence, began to once again be funnelled into expressions of fashion. Today, Haute Caribe: The World of Trinidad and Tobago Fashion , a 12 minute mini-documentary about the evolution of fashion on my wonderful twin island state debuted online. With input from some of Trinidad's longstanding fashion heavyweights like Claudia Pegus , Meiling , Dianne Hunt and Robert Young as well as relative newcomers like Anya Ayoung Chee , Keegan Simon , Lori-Antoinette Williams and Mel Gabriel , the documentary explores the way that attitudes to fashion have waxed and waned in Trinbago over the last few decades. Haute Caribe  explores the ways in which fashion used to be tightly integrated into the culture of