Politics: The 2012 Presidential Election OR The Biggest Decision You'll Ever Make

Dear America,

Today is D-day. Today is the day you decide if you want to take 3 steps forward or 10 steps back. Today is the day you decide if you stand with the under-represented and overlooked, or with the policy makers who look out only for themselves. Today you decide if you believe in a woman's right to choose, or that a microscopic ball of undifferentiated cells trumps the well-being of a living breathing person. Today you decide if millions of loving same-sex couples will get to live their lives with their families and reap the benefits of the dedication they show to the people around them, or if you will leave millions of children to languish in foster-care because you think that's preferable to two moms or dads. 

Today you decide where you stand in the world America. Today you claim your place as the example the world should follow, or the black sheep the world should shun. Choice wisely America. Don't re-hash the same mistakes.

The campaigning is over, the debates are done. The choice is clear.


PS. Do enjoy these 50+ pithy cartoons as you wait in your impossibly long lines to vote today. Not that I'm trying to sway your decision or anything...

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