Bits and Bobs on Feminist Theory #3: Beyoncé

A lot of the backlash over Beyoncé's identification as a feminist seems to stem from the infamous "titty corset" she worn on one night of her famously named "Mrs. Carter World Tour." The rallying cry seems to be that a woman cannot be a feminist when she so willingly sexualizes herself.

But is it not one of the basic tenets of modern feminism that a woman should be free to express and explore her sexuality on her own terms without fear of reproach?

Considering that Beyoncé meticulously manages her career and brand herself, with an iron fist that borders on delusional, I think it's safe to say that she is the one making the decisions when it comes to how overtly sexual her image is.

If for nothing else, this qualifies Beyoncé as a feminist in my book.

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