CNTM: Who Been Sipping that Jesus Juice...?

Stephany for CNTM Week 5
via CNTM
Stephany photographed by Marvin Bartley

This week was... interesting. There were a lot of problems that had nothing to do with the girls, but can we just agree that the drama between them is just too draining to be worth mentioning anymore? Kendra, you are not humble if you talk about how humble you are. Athaliah, someone not asking excuse, while rude, is not a capital offense. Calm down. Lisa, stop with the passive-aggressiveness. It's not cute. And all of you, leave poor Treveen alone please. There's a reason she's shooting past the rest of you while you battle for a spot in the bottom two. Top Model is a family franchise. There is no reason TV6 should have to place a parental guidance warning before the show. Tone it down ladies. 

But as we mention the bottom two, can we please discuss how completely messed up the call out order was this week? AGAIN? Somebody on that judging panel is hitting that Jesus Juice a little hard. I won't say who, but it rhymes with "Shmashmendy"... I mean Wendy. Wendy is sipping that Jesus Juice. There is literally no other explanation for this mess.

Frankly, I'm a little surprised that they pulled out the nude shoot so early in the game, but if the rumours are true and this is to be the only season, I guess that makes sense. Aside from the usual issues, this episode was plagued by the phantom boom mic, which kept popping into frame at the most obnoxious times. My other peeve this week was the photos themselves. Not the girls, mind you, but the composition of each shot. So many otherwise great shots spoiled by trees and shrubbery! But enough griping. Let's get to the critiquing.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I do not love this photograph of Stephany. It’s not terrible, but I don’t love it. It’s very close to “quite good” and it’s a marked improvement in Stephany’s overall performance, but this is not the best photo of the bunch. Stephany needed to extend the energy in her eyes into the rest of her body; what Tyra call H2T modelling: head to toe. She needed to point her toes, lengthen her back, and exude more purpose. This photo looks like she is simply reproducing one of the yoga poses that they learned earlier in the week. There is nothing about this that distinguishes it as anything to be praised. It is however, one of Stephany’s better shots, and it’s a marked improvement from her portrait shot two weeks ago. So, for that alone, congratulations. 

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