Misc. Music: Put Your Graffiti On Me by Kat Graham

Here we are again! I actually had a thoughtfully written piece planned for today, but I'm lazy and I don't feel like finishing it. Really all I want to do is watch last night's episode of Dexter, but I digress.

This installment of Misc. Music stars resident witch in chief Kat Graham. If you're plugged in, you'll know that I'm not being rude. She plays badass, lady-witch Bonnie Bennett on the CW's Vampire Diaries.

In any case, the dance-only video version for Kat's Put Your Graffiti On Me single is pretty hot! Apparently Kat Graham is still pursuing a music career and this was her first single released back in March. Why she insists on doing the music thing is beyond me. She's a great dancer, as evidenced by the video, and she's STUNNING, but her singing is mediocre, and things are clearly not taking off for her. This is probably her fifth "first single". NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU KAT... Especially since she seems determined to be known more for her ridiculous daring fashion choices than anything else...

via MTV Style

via MTV Style

But again, I digress.

I actually really love this video/song. The fashion is pretty fab and the choreography is sex on a stick. I may or may not teach it to myself in my spare time. The fashion highlights for me were the plethora of hard-body bras, and that bitching ponytail! Seriously, THAT SHIT IS FIERCE. The original version of the video has a few more awesome moments, but I don't feel like getting into them right now because it's late and I want to go home. But you should definitely click that link I so graciously provided and ogle at Kat's stunning-ness. Also, as a result of this video I have amended my fitness goals as follows: 
Have fantastic ass that looks good in booty shorts.
That's about it really. 
I know. I don't ask for much :) 

What do you think of the video? Did you even know Kat Graham had a music career? What was the fashion highlight of the video for you? Let me know in the comments below!

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