In Which I Am Outraged Almost To the Point of Tears

You hear about things like this happening all the time, but they're mostly anecdotal. You assume that thing couldn't be that bad, and that the person is surely exaggerating.

But then you see something like this and it makes you outraged and frustrated to the point of tears. (Or at least it does if you're like me and you cry when you get angry instead of getting physical.)

People like to think that Obama's mere existence is an indication that people no longer hold racial prejudice. And even though they clearly do, it would be fine if that prejudice wasn't supported by a power dichotomy that had the ability to make life so difficult for people of colour.

This video is about a teenager from Harlem's experience with NYC controversial "Stop and Frisk" policy, the often racial motivations behind each stop, and the pressure of police officers to "fill their quotas". It's horrible the way that the people who are being paid to protect us are being encouraged to victimize and harass us. It's unspeakable to me, and I really can't even say too much more about it right now because I've reached my rage quote for the day.

For all my NYC readers, have you encountered the NYPD's "Stop and Frisk" in your own life, and if so, how did you come away from the experience? Let me know in the comments below.

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