In Which I Am Now BattyMamzelle

So... I did this little thing where I changed the name of my blog.


I know, I'm a pain in the ass. I've been thinking on this for a little while now, and I think this change is for the best. It's going to take me a little while to sort out all of the kinks and update all my links, so pretty please bear with me if things are a little wonky for the rest of the week.

In any case, the new name of my blog is BattyMamzelle. There is a meaning behind it, but I'll wait until I've settled all the technical things before I write a detailed post about it. The new/temporary URL (until I get around to re-purchasing a domain) is All m other networks will change accordingly. ( etc.)

Again, I'm SUPER SORRY that this is happening so suddenly and AGAIN, (I switched to PLola in January)  but I think it's a neccessary change, and I don't plan on changing again. I'm trying to have the old URL redirect here in the meantime, but it remains to be seen if I can figure that out! Hopefully by the end of the week everything will be sorted. Thank you so much for being patient, and I'm SORRY!

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