That's so PINteresting! [UPDATED]

You may (or may not, NBD, I don't judge) have noticed that I have added a pinterest logo to my footer.
Never fear, thine eyes have not deceived you, I have in fact joined pinterest. I actually joined a while ago, but refused to use it. I don't think it adds anything to my online experience so far, but I'm still a newbie so we'll see as we go along. In any case, feel free to follow my boards and add me as a friend. Then I won't look so lame! but seriously, can we collectively agree to ignore any other social networks that turn up?

UPDATE: I've also added a fun pinterest widget (courtesy of and many thanks to Marie of Code it Pretty) to my footer that allows you to hover through my latest pins. I think it's pretty awesome. If you'd like to add it to your own blogger blog, here's the tutorial.

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