Uncensored: Blogging HBO's Girls

I'm giving in. 

Since Girls premiered on HBO back in April, I've heard everything from praise to condemnation for the show. Some say the show's creator Lena Dunham is the "voice of a generation", others say that the show is whiter than white bread, and that it's a problem.

Since I was still in college when the show premiered, (and really, I was already watching too much TV) I decided that I was going to let this show pass me by. I wasn't going to watch. And since so many other sources had endlessly catalouged all the ways in which this show was ignoring me, a young, college-educated,  twenty-something female (who wanted to be) living in New York, and was BLACK, I figured, why support a show that doesn't support me?

But then I caught an episode. Episode 2: Vagina Panic to be specific. And it was hilarious. From "all the stuff on the side of condoms" to "throwing the best abortion ever", I was reminded so much of all the non-PC conversations that I have with my girlfriends in the privacy of our own little sphere of the world.

And I won't lie; the stark whiteness of the protagonists did bother me. It was definitely in the back of my mind. But what was in the forefront of my mind was the witty dialogue, the utter ridiculousness of half the things coming out of Lena Dunham's mouth, and the all too familiar situations surrounding sex and relationships.

Dunham's Girls might not represent every part of my personality, and I may not relate to every situation these girls find themselves in, but I can relate to the twenty-something experience, and so far, it looks like the show delivers on that, if nothing else.

I'm looking forward to watching (and writing about) the rest of the season.

Away I go!


PS: My Girls recaps will all be posted under the Uncensored tag. I've been saying for a while that I wanted to include more of myself in this blog, and I think this a great solution. Uncensored will be all the stuff that may not necessarily be PC, or in line with what a fashion blog might post, but it'll be my spot to rant about things that bother me. I'll be sneaking my feminist flag in there at some point. Sometimes it'll be NSFW, sometimes it'll be controversial, sometimes it'll be politics, and sometimes it'll be straight feminist fare. But it'll be all me, all the time. 

Additionally, I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things, and I've never felt like I was able to post them here, in my own space, which is utterly ridiculous. Every girls needs a safe space to say words like "fuck" and "vagina", and generally swear to the high heavens without having to worry about the pearl clutchers. This is mine. I'm posting Girls here because just one episode has let me know that I'm going to need a safe space to talk about dirty things and say dirty words. When I'm made it through all 10 episodes, I'll move on to other things. I'm weirdly excited. :)

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