Nike Voices Celebrates Title XI: Women in Sports

I found this video on the Marie Claire website a little while ago, and I just had to drop everything and post about it. To celebrate the 40 years since title XI was passed, ( a law that calls for gender equality in sports) Nike created a short film showcasing Olympians Joan Benoit Samuelson, Lisa Leslie, Marlen Esparza, and Diana Taurasi.

It's so sweet and poignant that I was on the verge of tears. Although, to be fair, it doesn't take a whole lot these days. But it's beautiful to see women taking charge and forcing paths in places that were once not accepting of their presence. It was beautiful to see these women, trailblazers, interlaced with images of young women, gearing up to continue the tradition of women in sports. 

But what really touched me was a quote around 0:36: "I didn't set out to dominate. I just did." 

I love that attitude, and I hope that more women align themselves with this kind of thinking, no matter what their field of choice may be. 

Good job Nike!

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