Happy Birthday! Kinda?

It's my birthday! 
I'm 22!
I'm an adult and I can drink!
I'm an adult and I have to pay taxes...
I'm an adult and I have to find a job so I can pay taxes...

via somecards.com

Never mind. This isn't fun anymore.

But anyway... sob stories aside, it is my birthday today and I'm grateful that I've made it through another year. I'm not so grateful that I have class on my birthday and that instead of going out drinking and/or stuffing my face with cake surrounded by my nearest and dearest I will spend tonight studying for a quiz.


via quickmeme.com

ugh, omg THIS. But as it turns out, my aunt and I have the same birthday, and I never even knew! (Not a biological aunt. Long story...) Oddly enough it does make things a little more fun. :)

Although I'm not quite here yet:

via shesonehotmama.blogspot.com

I AM feeling a little bitter that I'm not at home (in Trinidad) for my birthday. This is the first time that's happened since my family moved from England when I was 4. As in, before I even CARED about birthdays. I should be at Maracas, relaxing and enjoying myself, not holing up in Mugar. Boo. Normally I love libraries, but BOO.

And while I don't outright HATE my birthday, I haven't really been able to celebrate it properly since I was 18. (Ahh, the high school years...) So, for now I'll just stay bitter with my birthday cake, and send bad vibes in the general direction of happy people:

via somecards.com

 Bu if you do feel like being nice to me, I am accepting presents. Birthday glitter man is at the top of my list.

via thegloss.com

Apparently he spent his birthday alone too. *Womp*

He and I shall devour this cupcake and other fattening confectioneries together.

via examiner.com

Yum. Calories. And sprinkles. Never forget the sprinkles.
Eh. I'll probably just do my nails and watch the Bunheads premiere. I'll survive.
Also fun fact, I have the same birthday as Hugh Laurie (yay House! Boo, to House being over!), and Shia La Beouf! (but no one cares about him...)

PS. I would like it to be known that I found all these pictures by googling "alone on". The "your birthday" part auto-completed. I guess that means poor lonely single people is a thing now?
P.P.S. But seriously, leave me some comments. I will feel a tiny bit better if random strangers online extend their greetings.
P.P.P.S. I bet you can tell I'm desperate for attention.

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