365 Photo Challenge: Day #3

Photo #3: Kids of Occupy

This little tyke was soaking things in at the Audre Lorde to Howard Zinn Library at the Occupy Boston camp. His parents had brought him and his older sister down to try to explain to them what the movement was about and why it mattered.
Awesome parents are awesome.
Seriously, I think it's so important for parents to teach their kids to be aware and inquisitive and to care about the world around them. If everyone did that we could make assholes extinct in 20 years.
In any case, what I remember most about Tyler is that when I asked him if he understood what was happening, he couldn't articulate what he meant. It's one of those frustrating moments of childhood where you know what you mean, but you haven't yet learned the words you need to articulate the sentiment. It was cute, but it made me feel good that at 12, he had an opinion in the first place.
Like I said, awesome parents are awesome.

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