365 Photo Challenge: Day #2

via PLola
Photo #2: The 99%

This is a photo of a couple who was occupying full time at Dewey Square during the height of the Occupy Movement. I interviewed them for a class assignment and there story was so moving. Being down at the occupy camp really made me aware of just how difficult life was becoming for ordinary American citizens. How can it be the land of the free when there are so many people who can't even afford to maintain the lives they've been building for 50+ years? It's made me pay attention to the politics of things, and I've been getting rather worked up about the election process this year even though I don't get a vote.... But vote aside, it's so important to be aware of the issues, and to know how they affect the people around you. There's so much inequality, and it really opens your eyes when you first experience how deep the rift between the rich and the poor really is.

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