The Very Best: My Fictional Female SuperHeroes

If I could be my best self, there are a lot of things I'd do differently. There are a ton of bad habits I would break, and some better ones I'd pick up. I have a lot of goals for myself in the long term, but as an early twenty-something, I'd much rather find myself in the fictional television characters I love. I mean, their lives are exciting enough that they're on TV, so why shouldn't I want to be like them? I kid of course! I know that they are all fictional people, but that doesn't change the fact that there have been a lot of brilliantly flawed fictional, female characters over the years. 

If I could be anyone in the world, I'd choose to be equal parts of each of these fantastic fictional ladies:

Ugly Betty: Betty; one of the characters I most identify with; is a sweet, hardworking, ambitious girl, trying hard to make it in an industry that doesn't want her, and doesn't think she's worth their time. But despite their poor treatment, Betty perseveres, understanding that what the position lacks in friendships, it makes up for in access, and that working hard, and going above and beyond is the way to outshine and distinguish herself from her mostly mediocre peers.

Carrie Bradshaw: I think that every 20-something woman has identified with/wanted to be Carrie at some point. The idea of living in the city and finding love is a fantasy that young women still have today. I'm mostly over my New York minute, and re-watching SATC has shown me what a perfectly damaged person Carrie actually is, but that doesn't change the fact that most girls can identify with being single in a big city, with aspirations bigger than her paycheck. Carrie gets her happy ending, so hopefully I will too.

Deborah Morgan: I will likely never ever own a gun, but I completely identify with Deb. Her foul mouth and determination are qualities that I share, and I have to say, I really delight in her ridiculousness. Putting aside the last season of Dexter, Deb is a really strong and self-assured character whose conscience guides her. She's good at what she does, and she's not afraid to piss off a few people to do what she thinks is right. I could do worse than to be like her.

Peggy Olsen: Realistically, I don't have that much in common with Peggy other than a name (Margaret) and employment as a copywriter, but over the past 5 seasons, Peggy has shown a wisdom (and corresponding dim-wittedness)  that I think I share. Peggy is an accidental feminist in a time where such ideas are pretty much professional suicide (especially in advertising) and my feminism has become a big part of who I am. I'd love to think that I can mirror the kind of instinct that Peggy has for her work, and the complete confidence she has in her capabilities.

Bridget Jones: What I love about Bridget is her optimism. Despite bad decisions and disappointments, she remains confident that her career will flourish and she will find true love with Mr. Darcy. I love that she acknowledges her faults without wallowing in them, and is constantly striving to be a better version of herself. Her self-effacement is endearing. Never do you feel that she is pitying herself. She gets kicked down, embarrassed and majorly humiliated, but get back up each time, better than before.

All of these women are close to my heart. I've seen the entirety of each of the television series (and movies!) that they've been featured in, and I've loved learning and growing with them over the years, and being able to take the lessons they learnt and implement them in my own life.

Here's to hoping I can be driven as Betty, as fabulous as Carrie, as badass as Deborah, as talented as Peggy, and as optimistic as terminal singleton Bridget Jones!

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