Feminism: In Which I Have Choice Words for Ann Coulter That I Will Not Use

Can we please agree to never give this woman airtime ever again? She is a hateful woman who has no regard for the rights of people who are not rich, white Republicans. She makes me question my commitment not to say unnecessarily incendiary things about other women, because believe me, I have some choice words for her, but I will refrain from using them just this once. After taking immense heat for calling the President a retard after one of the debates, she went on Piers Morgan's show to defend her position and complain about being censored by the "word police". I cannot with her or anything she says.

The fact that she wants to disfranchise women and is proud of that fact makes me a little sick to my stomach. (Fun fact Ann, that would mean your vote too...) The fact that she has no sensitivity for those with down-syndrome, and can't seem to comprehend how words become bastardized when used derogatively really make me question how she ever became as highly regarded as she is. Her inability to understand that using the word "retard" to insult someone is equating someone you don't like with people with down-syndrome as though something is wrong with that condition really upsets me. She is deliberately obtuse and hateful. As someone commented on the video, "Retard is a verb. To use it as a noun is insulting." I think that's a brilliant way to put it.

In any case, this woman wears on me and my ability to think good things about the world.
Let's never speak of her again.

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