Starting Over

via proprposture
UGH! it's been ages since I've posted. there's been so much going on in the back end of things that I haven't had a chance to sit down and talk about the changes that have happened here since the new year began.

basically, i decided that for the new year, I wanted change.
so I changed.

inkblot*photography is now Promiscuous Lola, and that's going to mean a lot of different things in the coming months. for right now, however, it means I'll be on hiatus for a while. In switching over to the new URL, there were some problems, specifically with the pictures, and before I move forward, I'm moving backwards to make sure that everything is as it should be. it doesn't make sense to me to keeping building on top of a shaky foundation. i've been having to manually tread through my posts and re-edit each one, so as you can imagine, it's taking some time. the goal is to be back up by the time I leave trinidad on the 14th, so I can start the new semester fresh and renewed. By tomorrow I'll have another post up explaining my plans for this *new* space, so that my readers know what to expect going forward.  I'm excited by what I have planned, and I can't wait!

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